
This site is dedicated to helping you find, and live, the abundant life. Abundant living is offered to you by Jesus Christ. He said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10b). While abundant living may include material things, life consists of much more than possessions. It includes love, joy, peace, hope, … Abundant living offers you all those and more.

Instead of rejection, you can find acceptance. Instead of hatred, you can find love. Instead of sickness, you can find health. Instead of despair, you can live in hope. Instead of fear, you can live in faith, and have courage to overcome life’s trials. Instead of living in guilt, you can have a clean and clear conscience. You can be set free from addictions, and you can be a new creation. Instead of being lonely, you can have the tangible company of God at all times. In short, abundant living in Jesus Christ offers you every good and perfect thing.

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